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School Council Minutes - May 2024

This month we have discussed Olympic Values, Trick Box and suggestions from peers:


St James School Council Minutes 


Tuesday 7th May 2024


Mrs Jenkinson

Mr Gardner

Freddy & Rosie - Head Pupils

Emelia & Flynn - Yr 5

Nico & Arran - Yr 4

Tabitha & Seb - Yr 3

Jake - Yr 2

JJ & Livvy - Yr 1

Sam & Octavia - Yr R

Sam & Grace - Yr N

Apologies / absent

Ruby - Yr 2





Shoes on field

In PE we don’t need to wear different shoes but we have to for playing football

If it’s dry they can wear their usual shoes - if it’s wet then spare shoes should be worn for PE too.

Girls football

The girls have two days to play but the boys only one.

We’ll trial it and see how popular it is. We would do the same for a sport that we wanted to encourage more boys into.

Trick Box

Can we have a Trick Box day? Can we put Trick Box into our class worship?

Trick Box folder for the lunchtime playground.

Mr Gardner to create a folder for use at lunchtimes.

Class Worship should really be for worshipping, not Trick Box.


Olympic Values assembly

Flynn to talk through values - 20th May - Monday before Sports Day - how do we show the values on Sports Day?

Tabitha, Livvy, Sam, Freddy, Rosie, Flynn - meet on Friday 17th May to organise.


Which adult have a special job of keeping you safe?

They could say who’s on them - do we need more posters?

Create a team to lead the safeguarding -

Flynn, Emilia, Nico Seb, Jake, JJ - they will look at how many posters we have and whether we need more.

Action Forms

Went through forms

Lots approved!


  • Flynn - can we create a lesson plan? Teachers teach their special lesson and children choose which they go to?
  • Survey the children for off curriculum topics  

Mrs Jenkinson to discuss with Mrs Elliott

Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 4th June 2024 - our penultimate!

Surgery - soon!!!