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School Council - May

Please see below the minutes of this month's meeting. 

 St James School Council Meeting - minutes


Tuesday 16th May 2023


Mr Gardner 

Mrs Jenkinson

Effie & George P - Y4

Erin - Y3

Delilah & Jacob - Y2

Alex & Theo - Yr 5

Maya, Noah & Abel - Yr R

Nyah & Bella - Yr 6

Maggie & Reuben - Y1

Matilda & Zachary -  Yr N

Apologies / absent

Corey - Y3





Surgery - Tuesday 14th June

Running the surgery will be Bella, Effie, Jacob, Abel

Mr Gardner will get the table ready.

Points brought up at the last surgery 

Replacement basketball nets as the others have rotted away. The council approved this motion.

Craft Shed questioned as lots of children use the gazebo as a ‘home’ in games. 

Flexi Fridays where we learn one subject all day.

Yoga Club

Announcement assemblies so that celebration assembly can be just for celebrating

The climbing wall has loose grips

Litter Club

Year R would like a Trim Trail day, Mrs Jenkinson explained that they do a lot of their active play during their learning in class.

Year 4 camp return! 

Meat ball Monday for lunch

Little Ducks to attend Celebration Assembly on Fridays

Mr Gardner to order new nets using money raised from the Bake Off cake sale. 

Mr Gardner to ask exactly what is needed for a home so that it could be relocated. 

Mr Gardner to tell the teachers so they can see if there is space for more.

Mrs Jenkinson to look into whether we can restart it.


Mrs Jenkinson suggested a Wednesday

Theo and Alex will tell Mrs Lowry

Talk to Emma in Year 6 as she knows where the litter pickers are.

Mr Gardner to ask Mrs Bradbury if they can start to have time on the Trim Trail in the summer term to train them up ready for year 1 

Mr Gardner to research easier ways that won’t involve tents and tired children.


The School Council cannot alter the menu

Mr Gardner to ask Miss Weller - we think there is a conflict of timings with Forest School.


Nyah would like more mufti days. 

Reuben wondered why at snack times, children have to eat fruit but he’s seen adults eating chocolate. Other children have also noticed cake in the staffroom.

Matilda hasn’t heard whether Little Ducks will get cake and biscuits.

Mr Gardner to research how many we have.

Mr Gardner and Mrs Jenkinson will remind all staff that they must not eat unhealthy food for their snacks, but that cake in the staffroom as a treat is allowed on special occasions.

Mr Gardner to remind Miss Weller of this request. (But it's unlikely, given that the adults can't have any!)

Date of next meeting 

Tuesday 20th June