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St James Primary School

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Thursday 6th February 2025 

Well, something happened in the Village Hall on Saturday night! Not quite sure what, but it was magical (and disturbing in equal measure – but let’s not dwell on that!).

Huge thanks to Kelley Webber for organising the acts, to Stuart Gardner and Charlotte Fincken for hosting, to Hannah Peters, Carl Ingram and Nick Dando for judging, and to Paul Judge for having the vision 11 years ago!

Huge thanks also to The Music Works who provided technical support for this event, your professionalism and experience are key to making this event the success that it is!

Huge thanks also to all the PTA volunteers that made this event run so smoothly.
And finally huge congratulations to this year’s winner, Shirley Bellamy! And also to all the other wonderful acts.

We can now announce that the event made a fantastic £3,250 in profit!

BAG2SCHOOL, Monday 24th February-Thursday 27th February, after school, at the swimming pool

Have a half-term declutter and bring all your clothing donations to raise money for the school and keep items out of landfill. More details at: Bag2School Fundraiser | UK's No.1 Fundraiser for Schools 

DIY DAY, Sunday 2nd March, 10am-1pm, at St James Primary

Please come along to support the school’s caretaker Mrs Lowry with some tidying up of the school grounds. Hot drinks and snacks provided! Please bring any gardening tools you have, more details to follow shortly.

Please let us know if you are able to attend this so we can plan what jobs can be done!


SCHOOL DISCO, Wednesday 2nd April, after school
Please get in touch if you can help out at this event. 

SUMMER FAIR, Saturday 5th July

This year we will be combining forces with the Parish Council at the Elstead Village Fete so save the date! More details coming soon. 

How to contact the PTA
You can contact the PTA in three different ways:

To donate to the PTA, please follow this link