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St James Primary School

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Collective Worship and RE

Our Christian values influence the way we work together and aim to nurture the children's spirituality.

Collective worship is rooted in our Christian values of Friendship, courage, service and wisdom. These are underpinned by Christian love which we see as part of our child-centered focus; in our relationships with each other and teaching the children to value and love who they are. 

"Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." John 13:34-35

RE forms part of our school ethos and helps children understand the main tenets of Christianity, whilst giving them an awareness of the diversity of religious beliefs around the world. Our aims when teaching Religious Education are that children should explore religious faith and practice, discover the beliefs, practices and history of Christianity through an exploration of God, Jesus Christ, the Church, worship and prayer, the Bible, Christians in action, Christmas and Easter.

Children also begin to explore other world faiths (Judaism in Key Stages 1 and 2; Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism in Key Stage 2) and express their curiosity about the meaning and purpose of life. We encourage the children to recognise the relationship between the natural world and human responsibility, reflect on belief, practice, values and tradition. 

Collective Worship 2024/25

Click here for the KS1 long term plan

Click here for the KS2 long term plan