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St James Primary School

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Kingfishers Have an 'Ice' Time at Forest School

We started our Forest School session with a game of 'Stone Age Family'! Mrs Greggs was our chief and had lots of tasks for us to mime from foraging and hunting to making wattle and daub. We even had to run away from a charging woolly mammoth; all of which helped us to get lovely and warm!
The Forest School site looked beautiful and everything was covered in ice, including the pond which we couldn't resist investigating. Standing behind a blue rope (to keep us a s safe distance from the edge of the pond), we had a fantastic time try to break through the ice by throwing chunks of ice on to it. We noticed that the thickness of the ice varied across the pond and how air bubbles in the water had made the ice appear white! 
We also used magnifying glasses to look at ice crystals close up as they glistened in the sun and invented lots of imaginative games to keep ourselves warm including making an ice factory, slushi drinks and an ice-storage bunker!