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St James Primary School

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Words of Wisdom

Our Head Pupils Freddie and Penny are amongst our Year 6 bubble that are isolating. Whilst it is by no means good, they did write these words of wisdom for you to share with your children about how it feels.

"It is really annoying at first when you realise you cannot go to school and see all your friends, but it is lots of fun to work from home. You get to do new things that you didn't realise you could do, like you may be an amazing baker or you might see what your parents do all day!"

"It is a rather exciting experience and you get to have so many adventures from home. You just have to remember your teachers and friends are still there and supporting you even if you can't see them."

"I think [everyone] should do their work just as if they were at school,  never give up and try their best."

Just to prove we're all okay, here's a 'selfie' of a few of us in our daily meeting on Teams.