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St James Primary School

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Outstanding Owls -

Spring Term

It was wonderful to welcome all children back to Owls class these last few weeks. It was noticeable just how hard the children worked with you all in lock down with their home learning and their great progress has continued. I would like to share with you an overview of the term.

Talk for Writing - the children have planned and written fantastic reference books, first about Giants and then animals they have or would like to keep.

To help with amazing adjectives we prepared and enjoyed a Giant's pancake breakfast - they couldn't believe giants could eat so much!


In science we have been looking at plants and what they need to grow. The planting in our lovely garden is beginning to spring into life (sorry for the pun!), Sunflowers, runner beans and carrots are joining our daffodils that are brightening  our growing area.


Looking closely at plants also formed part of our Art with real, life observational drawings of daffodils.

In Maths we have begun to work on our tables finding fun ways to count in 2's, 5's and 10's. 

We started computers this term and soon mastered drawing with shapes and freestyle on Paint.


In PE we have been learning how to play hockey and really impressed ourselves with amazing dribbling and ball control. 

As the term drew to a close we began our Easter activities week - making Easter Egg cards, colouring, making Easter baskets and, of course, edible egg nests which we enjoyed for afternoon snack! We walked the stages of the Easter Story and enjoyed lots of lovely thoughtful discussion around Jesus and what he did for us. 

No end to the Easter term would ever be complete with out a surprise visit from the real Easter Bunny who found time in his busy schedule to pop in.

         Wow.....all this in 4 weeks!!!

Thank you again for all your wonderful support through the lock down and from me and the Owls Team, have a lovely Easter break.